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33 noses

A miracle is  .... " it seems that Captain Klaas and his crew have created just that within 72 hours. An at random selected bunch of people, speaking many different languages but  having one shared interest flocked together on the "Europa" to watch the antepodes of polar bears.

primitive form of seamen

A miracle is  .... " it seems that Captain Klaas and his crew have created just that within 72 hours. An at random selected bunch of people, speaking many different languages but  having one shared interest flocked together on the "Europa" to watch the antepodes of polar bears. With soft pressure and  lovely wrapped discipline the crew managed in no time to kick the - mostly - laymen into a primitive form of seamen.

Not the best kept secret

It is after all no small deed indeed to get nearly 70 year old men risking their necks voluntarily by suggesting to climb up the ropes, and to sway 15 meters above the swell. How impossible is it to convince a group of strangers to swop their warm beds in the middle  of an ice cold night for organized watches on a slippery deck? The crew just did that! To study birds and know their habits takes years and is a painstaking business but now here we are, all ornotologists in status nascendi.

Even steering the nearly 60 meter long vessel is not the best kept secret in the world anymore and its ins and outs are patiently taught to our frozen fingers. All the above efforts have formed a happy collection of noses,  all turned  in one direction, that helps to run the well oiled engine - with probably well forgiven hick-ups here and there!

Geschreven door:
Nanette | Trainee



Gave trip Nanette & Bou. Enjoy!! Heel erg leuk om de blog te lezen

Ria Aandewiel  |  01-02-2015 17:14 uur

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