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juli 2024

Sailing through the days

Door: Laurent Lebreton

After a short visit to Tahiti, Raiatea, Taha’a and finally Bora Bora, Europa departed from the Society Islands, and heart of the Polynesian triangle, on July 10 th , traveling west with the trade winds towards the...

Pinrail chase

Door: Hans de Lind

Good day BT:     2230 UTC-10 POS:    15°52'S 166°13'W SOG:    6,0 kn COG:    255° This day, I must say, started somewhat inauspicious,...

juli 2024


Door: Hans de Lind

Good day Date:   17/07/2024 BT:     2230 UTC-10 POS:    16°29'S 164°29'W SOG:    6,0 kn COG:    270° Well, for a moment I...

Absolute heaven!

Door: Hans de Lind

Good day BT:      2030 UTC-10 POS:    1704'S 161°26'W SOG:    2,5 kn COG:    281° Well, there are no two ways about it: Last night was great!...

juli 2024


Door: Hans de Lind

Good day Date:   16/07/2024 BT:     2330 UTC-10 POS:    16°45'S 163°01'W SOG:    4,0 kn COG:    270° Good day, The wind...

juli 2024

Aitutaki, Cook Islands

Door: Caroline Curvan

The History Corner . . .    by Caroline Curvan     On July 1 4 , at approximately 8 : 30 pm , the Europa passed about 5 0 miles north of Aitutaki .   It...

Update from the ship

Door: Hans de Lind

Good day POS:    17°30'S 157°52'W SOG:    6.1 kn COG:    281° BT:     2030 UTC-10 At the moment it happened, I wasn't on deck, but a...

juli 2024

More wind on the way

Door: Hans de Lind

POS:    17°26'S 156°00'W SOG:    3.7 kn COG:    245° BT:     2100 UTC-10 Good day, Well, the wind is not quite what could be wished, and...