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Taputapuatea marae

Door: Arjan van Ettinger

In the morning when I was still asleep dolphins came to play along the bow and I can’t wait to see them for myself as well. We arrived in Raiatea and visit ed the historical Taputapuatea marae, the...

juli 2024

No sailing experience

Door: Arjan van Ettinger

Having no experience with sailing I volunteered for the first night watch and found myself pulling lines and hoisting sails for the first time somewhere between Moorea and Raiatea , in the middle of the night...

Polynesian dancing

Door: Marretje Adriaanse

As I am writing this, we have had the great fortune to see Polynesian dancing on multiple islands. One occasion, our visit to Tahuata stands out. We visited a small village, only composed of a few houses and a church. They...

juni 2024

Island visits

Door: Janke Kingma

Hello all, POS:    09° 19.0 S 139° 24.4 W          SOG:    5.8 COG:    350 DTG: BT:      UTC -9...

juni 2024

Faster and faster

Door: Janke Kingma

Hello all, POS:    13* 22.3 S 138* 51.1 W          SOG:    6.7 COG:    010 DTG:    214 NM to Hiva Oa: Marquesas...

juni 2024

Sharing and caring

Door: Marretje Adriaanse

We have been at sea now already for a few weeks. The first days the main themes are getting to know the ship and getting to know each other. For me personally, it was a difficult week. I love to be around people but just after...

The tension rises

Door: Janke Kingma

Hello all, POS:    15* 41.3 S 138* 12.1 W          SOG:    6.4 COG:    345 DTG:    356 NM to Hiva Oa: Marquesas...

juni 2024