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Update from Abigail

Door: Abigail Smyth

In the twilight hours, with the stunsails set, cruising through tropical waters at a leisurely 5 knots, the South Pacific seems t o o good to be true.    This morning, the first whale. It’s...

juli 2024

The History Corner

Door: Caroline Curvan

At approximately 1pm on July 11, 2024, a small island appeared on the horizon off the port bow .  After consulting with the First Mate, it was determined to be Maupihaa (or Mopelia ) island .  ...

juli 2024

Staring into the nothingness

Door: Arjan van Ettinger

Volunteered for another night watch with very little wind allowed me for the first time ever to look at the stars for 4 hours straight, slowly seeing the contour of Bora Bora get closer, the stars of Orion rising ,...

Inter-island happening


We sailed from Tahaa to Bora Bora in light airs. Arrival Bora Bora: we had an anchorage assigned to us about half a mile  from shore. With the Zodiacs VC and crew members in off-watch went on  shore. ...

juli 2024

Robinson Crusoe

Door: Arjan van Ettinger

Dropped off at an island somewhere for a chill day . Felt a bit like Robinson Crusoe, but at lunchtime the ship sent us a dinghy with a delicious lunch and fruits and cold drinks. It was great, and we also used this day to...

juli 2024

From Tahaa to Bora Bora

Door: Hans de Lind

This night we moved from Tahaa to Bora Bora to have our exit clearance  there.  We left Tahaa at sunset, winning our anchor and hoisting the sails at  the same moment. The wind was dying at that moment so in...


Door: Arjan van Ettinger

A visit I was looking forward to a lot was the one to a v anilla farm on the island of Taha’a  (combined with a visit to a rum distillery). After getting enough vanilla to last a lifetime we tasted their...

juli 2024

From Raiatea to Taha'a

Door: Hans de Lind

Good day, So, This morning we went from our anchorage in Raiatea to our anchorage  in Taha'a, Anchor up, lot of mud, fire hose, and john daf.  All this took long enough for the sun to come up that much more,...