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Exploring Pitcairn

Yesterday morning we dropped anchor in Bounty Bay, the bay closest to Adamstown on Pitcairn. The weather was probably the best you can wish for. Sun, hardly wind, low swell into the little port. The harbor master and mayor gave his permission for us to come in with the zodiacs straight away after arrival, so we lowered the zodiacs and made our way in. The VC and some crew got a very warm welcome once stepped on the island! There were a few formalities to clear, so they filled in their forms and then were free to go on the island. In the afternoon the crew changed at handover time. By the end of the day, all of us had visited Pitcairn.

People walked, looked around, met with islanders, sent mail, and visited the bar. By 18 the last zodiac left because the waters of the port did not really invite to navigate them in the dark because of the swell.

Today there was a supply vessel anchored close to us. Every 3 months the island gets fresh supplies and this was the day. Even though everybody living on the island was involved in the operation, there was still space to let us come into port and visit Pitcairn another day. The communication between Moss (the longboat), driver Shawn, and our bridge was perfect. Our zodiacs were not in their operations way and all went as planned. The swell had picked up a bit more than yesterday, but with good timing and help from the harbor men with mooring, it went pretty smoothly.

For years I have wondered how it must be to visit Pitcairn and I have been dreaming of going there. Now after having been on the island, I have to say that it exceeded all expectations. The island itself is beautiful. Friendly and rough at the same time. Palm trees, flowers and lots of fruits. Many other plants, trees, and grasses that make the island very green and in between and under the hills and rocky terrain. The clay that covers the ground is thick and sticky but has a beautiful brown color. On the edges of the island, you have a beautiful view of the cliffs and the north onto St Pauls pool. A natural pool where you can swim in calm weather. That was not today, but still, the view was impressive.

The island itself is also impressive, but the islanders are even more so. I can not remember having visited somewhere where the people were so welcoming and friendly. While walking around everybody said hi and we had several small conversations in the street. It made me feel like I was at home! Stories were told, knowledge exchanged and even some of us who rang the doorbell at the house they thought was the bar drank a beer with the houseowner although the bar was definitely somewhere else.

Tonight on board during the eight o'clocky I saw lots of smiling faces. Also a bit sad because we will set sail tomorrow, but mainly happy because of the fantastic visit. I hope we will be back in a few years to say hi once more to the island and to see how everybody is doing!

We are up for new adventures and will be on our way tomorrow.


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