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How can you help?

Over the years, Bark EUROPA has made many friends, with whom we keep in touch through social media or encounter while sailing to many ports. Your support is very appreciated, whether it is through sponsoring youngsters, simply sharing experiences about Bark EUROPA or helping the ship to fund her maintenance! In the end, we all want the same: to keep the EUROPA wandering the oceans for many more years. Do you want to become a friend?

In these difficult times, we need our friends more than ever to help the ship through this heavy storm. Do you want to become a friend of Bark EUROPA? 

Sign up as a friend

Want to become our friend? Sign up by filling in the form on the website of Friends of EUROPA. As a Friend you will receive personal login details for the community page where you will be able to get in touch with fellow friends and be kept up to date on exclusive Bark EUROPA news updates. 

A single donation

Do you want to support Bark EUROPA in the upcoming years by making a donation for a specific maintenance project? Or do you want to sponsor a trainee and offer this youngster the opportunity of his/her dreams, just like the special time you had on board? Learn more


Do you want to help the Foundation and her board with organizing a Friends of Bark EUROPA meet and greet, or help find the youngsters who could benefit greatly from a long ocean crossing? Or do you want to help writing blogs and expand our outreach? Learn more